A Rare Bird Chase – Multiple Targets Acquired

When I got done writing yesterday’s post, I didn’t think it was possible to have another epic day.  But that’s just what happened today.  It all started last night when I saw a posting on MOU-Net that a Lazuli Bunting had been spotted at someone’s feeders in Hutchinson.  This is a gorgeous blue and rust-colored bird that resides in the western part of the country.  It is a rare stray to Minnesota.  One had showed up a couple weeks ago in the Cities, and I was tempted to chase that one.  However, I figured that we’d see one someday when we took a road trip out west.  The Cities is a two-hour trip, and the sighting was during the work week.  It just wouldn’t have worked.  Hutchinson was only a 45-minute trip, though, and it was the weekend.  Pete, the person who posted the sighting of the Hutch bird, said he’d provide updates the next day if it was still there. Melissa and I decided that this was another bird worth chasing.

This morning around 8:00 I saw a posting that said it was back at 7:30!  While we were tempted to skip church and chase this bird, we decided to wait until after church.  I was fairly calm and confident that since the bird showed this morning that it would probably be around periodically throughout the day.  In the meantime, though, I watched out our windows.  The oriole activity has been nuts.  A couple of them looked a little different.  It turns out we had female and first-year male Orchard Orioles at the feeder!  A life bird!  I was hoping we’d get to see the mature male to clinch this one, but for now this guy will do.


As I watched our yard birds, I was pleasantly surprised to see a lifer from yesterday make an appearance and partake of our oranges – the Tennessee Warbler.  This was a real treat because we have not really had any warbler activity in our yard.  IMG_3487One of the birds that amused me this morning was a House Sparrow who thinks he’s a finch.  This sparrow has learned to cling to the finch feeder, even hanging upside-down. House Finches don’t get any love in the birding community or general population, so I went to grab my camera to show this guy off.  As I walked to the window, I looked out and froze.  This is who I saw.


The Indigo Bunting!!  Not only was this a life bird, but it was a major target bird for the summer of 2013!  I couldn’t believe it – the male Scarlet Tanager and now this guy in less than 24 hours in our yard!  I snapped a quick picture and then calmly said, “Evan, walk – don’t run; we have the Indigo Bunting.”  Everybody came out for this one.  Even non-birding Melissa knew of this bird and had to see it.  She even asked to see my pics on the LCD right away.

It was just a general buffet of color around our yard this morning.  The American Goldfinches and Baltimore Orioles are thick lately.  Here I caught one of each in the same shot.
IMG_3492We finally went to church, and I tried to not think about what emails were waiting in my pocket.  Once we got to the car after church, I checked for updates on the Lazuli.  Nothing new.  Oh boy.  So I called Pete.  He said it was showing well until about 10:00.  Then it was absent until about noon when it only appeared for a minute or two.  That was enough information to make this mission a go.

We stopped and ate some lunch in Willmar before heading southeast to Hutch.  Once there we had to make a potty-stop for Marin.  This potty-training business is really starting to handicap our birding. Minutes felt like hours.

We finally made it to the house which we found with no problem.  When you chase a rare bird, you don’t really have to know the exact address.  Just look for the small flock of people with binoculars.  We quickly hustled across the street to join them – three sets of binoculars pointed up looked promising.

Lazuli Sighting

It turns out these two fellows (the homeowner is nearest the door) from Lonsdale had been watching the feeders from inside the house but had not had any luck.  They were watching warblers out front when we arrived.  The one they were currently viewing was a big target for me and a life bird for both of us – the Cape-May Warbler.

IMG_3520It was such a fantastic bird.  Here’s another shot to show it off some more.

IMG_3519The two gentlemen decided to walk around the block looking for the Lazuli Bunting.  Pete invited Evan and I to come inside to watch for it from the best vantage point, his dining-room window.  Pete was a gracious host who watched with us and visited about birding and teaching.  Undoubtedly he’s had several strangers stop by during the day and welcomed them.  I love how birders are a friendly bunch who help each other out and want others to share in the joy of a cool bird.

We watched and watched.  It was dead.  Not a single bird of any sort was showing. After nearly twenty minutes, the activity finally started to pick up.  A goldfinch here, a few Pine Siskins there, and some squirrels gave us something to look at.  The best bird to hold our attention while we waited was the Ovenbird.  We got to see his beautifully striped head as we looked down at him while he bobbed alongside the house in the flower garden going from hosta to hosta.  Pete went about his business while we watched and fielded calls from other birders. We had been there for nearly 45 minutes when it happened.

“Dad, I just saw the Lazuli fly into that tree!”  I didn’t see anything, but I’ve learned to trust my son when it comes to birds.  I looked at the bird to which he was pointing and quickly pulled up the binoculars.  It was, in fact, the Lazuli!!!  I snapped off a few quick pictures.  The quality isn’t the best since I was shooting through glass at an angle and was fighting with a camera that wanted to focus on leaves.  I got one decent shot which at least shows off how magnificent this bird is.

While we were watching, I heard Pete on the phone with another birder say, “Hold on, I have a sharp-eyed six-year old who just found it.” I didn’t have much of an opportunity to photograph it as it flew away moments later.  It was not on the ground feeding where it had been seen all morning and last night.  Without Evan, we probably would have missed it.

Minutes later, the Lonsdale birders came into the house.  One of them had seen it from standing outside.  They watched for awhile and then decided to canvass the block again. We waited for Pete to finish up his phone conversation so we could thank him and say good-bye.  It was a Minnesota birders good-bye as we had to show each other pictures of the bunting and pictures of leucistic birds we’d each seen.  Then as he walked us out, he pointed out another life bird that was flying high, the Chimney Swift, and told us how they live in his chimney.

It was finally time to drive again.  I called up my cousin Brett who lives in town to see if we could drop by for a visit.  We had a fun time with them and got to watch our daughter be a show-off with all her dance “moves.”  But the birding was far from done for the day, so it was time to go.

Our next stop was a home about 5 miles southwest of Hutch where a Great-tailed Grackle had been consistently seen in someone’s yard for a couple weeks.  This is another bird that is north of its normal range.  Pete had made the report on this bird too and told us that the homeowners were fine with people parking in their driveway and walking around their yard.  So we did just that.  Unfortunately we were not able to come up with the grackle.  Maybe we’ll see it in two weeks when we have to head back to Hutch for my cousin’s daughter’s graduation party.

We were homeward bound now and flying high on birding adrenaline.  At least two of us were anyway.  As we got close to our house, Melissa was on the phone with her mother telling about all the phenomenal birding today.  I was impressed that Melissa not only knew how many lifers we got today, but that she also knew their names.  Just as we approached the one-mile mark from our house, I spotted an LBB that was a candidate for a life bird.  I whipped the van around and drove back.  We found it again with no problem.  Sure enough, it was a life bird – the Vesper Sparrow.


We are now 2 for 3 on our chasing trips.  Six lifers today – and some real lookers at that.  Today was a birding day that we won’t forget. It was even more special that we got to enjoy it as a family.  Meeting nice new people and visiting with family was an added bonus.  Oh, and that finch-like House Sparrow?  Here he is.


Birding in Paradise – Pinch Me

Today the floodgates opened.  As I sit down to write this post and reflect back on this day, I still can hardly believe all the life birds we saw.  Words can hardly do this day justice.  The pictures will tell the story better than I can.  Some are good and others will just have to do.  As you read our story and see our pictures, I hope you will be in awe of what’s out in creation.

Before I tell the story of today, I want to back up to last night.  While we were at our small group Bible study, Steve had called and texted.  I didn’t see this until we got home. When I did see he’d been trying to get ahold of me, I knew something was going on.  I finally connected with him and got the scoop.  Warblers.  Everywhere.  He spent two hours at the small patch where we’ve been birding, known as Bergquist Wildlife Area.  I could not wait until morning.  The alarm was set for 5:30 so Evan and I could do some birding before we had to come back in to take care of Marin at 8:30 while Melissa had a girls’ event today.  I woke up this morning but not to my alarm.  It was 7:10!  I hustled and got Evan out of bed, and we were at Bergquist within a half hour.  Not much time to bird before we had to head back.

Right away we found a life bird for Evan – the Gray Catbird.  I actually saw this one on the feeder at home this morning, but Evan didn’t hear me call to him.  When I took the picture, I got the message on my camera screen that there was no SD card!  I quickly remembered I had a spare.  Whew.

Gray CatbirdShortly after this we found this plain, but pretty bird.  We identified it later as the female Scarlet Tanager – a definite lifer for both of us.  How I wish it had been the male.

IMG_3382The warblers were all around.  We quickly found our lifer, the American Redstart.  These were very abundant this morning.

IMG_3423Then we found the Blackpoll Warbler – another lifer.

IMG_3446There were so many birds in every direction.  We stayed motionless and had new birds coming to us all the time.  Another lifer – a beautiful male Bay-breasted Warbler dropped to a branch 5 feet in front of me, but I wasn’t able to get a picture.  By this time we had to go home, but not before picking up another lifer – the gorgeous Magnolia Warbler!

IMG_3396We went home and decided we’d grab Marin and come right back.  This was an incredible day, and there were more birds to be had.  Steve joined us for round 2.  It was definitely distracting to bird while managing Marin and settling fights between these siblings, but we managed.  It was nice to have Steve along to help point out new birds and ones I was still trying to photograph.  Here is a lifer he found for us – the Wilson’s Warbler.IMG_3418

And then the Golden-winged Warbler.  Excuse the bad photo, but it’s hard to photograph these small, ADD birds!

IMG_3424We found an Eastern Kingbird – another lifer.


Then we found a Flycatcher that remains unidentified.  There are several Flycatchers, and the best way to tell them apart is by voice.  I guess we’ll have to study our sounds before we can add them to the life list.

IMG_3413Steve picked up a life bird today that is one of my favorite birds of all time.  The Blackburnian Warbler.  I was later able to find one that was close, and we got some good looks at this male.  This wasn’t a life bird for Evan and me, but we never tire of seeing them.

IMG_3428I also spotted but was not able to photograph the beautiful Northern Parula.  This sky-blue bird with a yellow underside was a lifer as well.  How I wish I could have photographed it.

Another non-lifer that we saw several times was the bird that hooked me into this sport – the Chestnut-sided Warbler.   His call is the “Pleased to, pleased to, pleased to meetchya!”  We were pleased to meet him again too.

IMG_3425It was absolutely crazy how many birds there were.  Every direction, every level you looked, you’d find birds.  The diversity was mind-boggling.  If you’ve ever seen the movie, The Big Year, today was reminiscent of that scene where the birders go to Texas to experience the fallout of birds from a massive storm.

Here is another lifer we picked up – the Tennessee Warbler.


Here’s an LBB lifer that we got – the House Wren.

IMG_3441After spending two hours at Bergquist, the kids had to go to the bathroom.  Evan – no problem.  Marin – problem. We’re potty-training her, so she has difficulty to begin with. Combine that with trying to have a little girl go in the woods, and you have major problems!  Pee filled her water boots, soaked her pants, and sprayed all over my hand. Birding was over.  We hustled home.

We changed clothes, had a bite to eat, and decided to head back to the patch for trip #3.  There was so much going on there that we couldn’t stop.  Earlier when I asked my little birders who wanted to go back, both shouted, “Meeeeeee!”  Look at them making lists already.  I taught Evan the short code for bird names.  He learned quickly and was marking down everything.

IMG_3444On this third trip we encountered our lifer from Thursday – the Northern Waterthrush.

IMG_3376We also got a chance to photograph another lifer from Thursday – the Broad-winged Hawk.

IMG_3451During this outing, Melissa finished up her girls’ outing and stopped by to pick up Marin. Now it was time to do some serious birding.  Here’s my buddy investigating birds? Nope, turtles again.  See the notebook and pencil, though?

IMG_3465We didn’t see much more after Marin left.  We found another lifer – the Eastern Wood-Pewee.

IMG_3457After this bird, we decided to head home.  Then I remembered a tip from one of our readers and decided to check out the fairgrounds.  Wow, were there birds there too! I was able to photograph a lifer for Evan – the Common Yellowthroat.



We picked up more life birds here that I wasn’t able to photograph – my camera battery died after nearly 8 hours of work today!  Those lifers included the Canada Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo, and Palm Warbler.  We also saw the non-lifer Mourning Warbler.

It was an epic day.  How do you top something like that?  Well, you come home to find the male Scarlet Tanager in your own yard!

IMG_3473It was also fun to see both the front yard and back yard feeders loaded with American Goldfinches.

IMG_3476This was an incredible, exhausting birding day. Here is the re-cap of lifers.  I’m doing this mostly for myself to help me count them:

Gray Catbird (Evan)

American Redstart

Scarlet Tanager

Bay-breasted Warbler

Blackpoll Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Northern Parula

House Wren

Golden-winged Warbler

Wilson’s Warbler

Eastern Kingbird

Common Yellowthroat (Evan)

Northern Waterthrush (Thursday and today)

Broad-winged Hawk (Thursday and today)

Eastern Wood Pewee

Tennessee Warbler

Nashville Warbler

Canada Warbler

Yellow-throated Vireo

Palm Warbler

Evan added 18 life birds today (2 of the 20 above were on Thursday).  I added 16 just today.  We saw a total of 20 warblers today (not mentioned were the Yellow, Ovenbird, Orange-crowned, and Black-and-White).  Amazingly we did not see a Yellow-rumped Warbler, and we missed on the Blue-winged and Black-throated Green which were present last night.

What a day.  I don’t know if we’ll ever have another life bird day like this again.  This was absolutely incredible.

A Local Birding Patch – Bergquist Wildlife Area

Even when the blog is silent, the birding goes on and the life birds trickle in.  This past week we’ve had the opportunity to explore Willmar’s Bergquist Wildlife Area twice and have found birding success each time.  This wooded park, hardly bigger than a football field, borders a lake and contains a small pond.  It is a lovely sanctuary for birds (and other wildlife) in the midst of the city.  We took a quick walk there on Mother’s Day.  Here are the highlights:

Spotting the Swainson’s Thrush – a life bird.

IMG_3346Seeing the Yellow-rumped Warbler again (one of several) – a common colorful bird that moves constantly.


Watching turtles bask in the sun – big brother is always looking out for his sister.IMG_3347Spending time with Mom who puts up with our birding hobby addiction.

IMG_4269Tonight after school, Evan and I went through Bergquist again because we got the daily update from Steve who hikes it during his lunch.  Several birds on Steve’s list were potential life birds for us.  We found two life-birds tonight.  One was the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.  This time Evan saw it with his own eyes, and I finally got a good look.  Now we could officially count it.  Sorry, but I couldn’t get a photo of that quick little bugger.  I did capture this lifer – the Black and White Warbler.


It was fun to watch warblers in the treetops again.  They bring so much life and color to the woods, but they are so difficult to photograph because of their size, constant movement, and propensity for being in the tops of trees.  Watching through the binoculars is a lot more fun and relaxing than watching through the camera while trying to get a shot.  Here is an attempt at photographing a male Yellow Warbler.  I think he was in the center of my frame but moved just as I took the picture.  We’ll see more of these at my parents’ house this summer and hopefully get a better picture then.


The yard birds have also been fun to watch.  We’ve had Baltimore Orioles coming to eat our oranges and grape jelly for four days now.  We keep hoping an Orchard Oriole will drop by soon. On Mother’s Day we were visited by a life bird for me – the Brown Thrasher.  Evan got his when he went to his Uncle Larry’s a couple weeks ago with my parents.


I also got a chance this week to photograph a bird we’ve seen sporadically and have nick-named Poop-head, our second leucistic Common Grackle to visit us this spring.


With migration underway, the local birding can be pretty exciting.  We have dozens and dozens of birds to see that are back in the state already.  We’ll be looking up.

Hunting for a Bunting

Toward the end of this week I saw a post on MOU-Net in all caps that made my eyes bulge: PAINTED BUNTING IN AITKIN COUNTY.  If you don’t know what a Painted Bunting looks like, take a break from reading this post and do a Google Image Search for one. You will swear this is a bird that you’d find in a pet store.  The truth is, though, that this bird is a summer resident of our southernmost states.  This particular bunting got blown way off course.  I’ve always wanted to see one, but it was still impractical to escape to Aitkin which is two-and-a-half hours away.  Compounding matters was that I was home sick and wasn’t even feeling up to taking care of my own kids.

Before I dozed off into a 4-hour coma on Friday, I briefly entertained the idea of going up to Aitkin in the evening.  Naaahh.  It just couldn’t happen.  I was sick.  There wasn’t time.  But a Painted Bunting in Aitkin.  I started to think how nice it would be to not have to wait years and to not have to travel to a place like Louisiana or Texas in the sultry summer just to hope to see one.  The one in Aitkin had been a regular visitor for three days – consistency, predictability, high probability.  But I had Mother’s Day to plan for once I did feel well.  Case closed.

Melissa got home later that day and had been aware of this bunting. She and her birding expert co-worker, Randy, often find themselves visiting about my birding exploits. Melissa reported back to me that Randy said if he were me at my stage in this birding hobby, he’d be going to Aitkin via Duluth.  That’s a very circuitous route of travel, but 355 Red-throated Loons had been spotted right by Canal Park close to shore!  The previous state record was 39 Red-throated Loons all-together.  Randy got his lifer when it was a long ways away from shore.  Anyway, my mind was really spinning now.  I think Melissa was even convinced this was a very rare opportunity.  Even she has remarked on the bird’s beauty.  Forty-five minutes later with Kleenex in hand and dogs loaded, we were headed to Brainerd.  We didn’t have plans to go to Duluth, but we were going to try for this bunting.

We got to Brainerd around 7:30.  It got dark around 8:30, and Aitkin was only a half hour away.  Do we try right away tonight?  We decided against it because it would be a lot of added time in the car, and birds typically don’t feed near dark.  It would have to wait.

Anytime you go on an adventure like this, you have to be prepared for the possibility of not seeing the target.  Mentally I have to try to find a way to make sure it is win-win.  My win-win for this trip was that the kids were getting a fun, unexpected trip to a hotel. Though thoughts of “Would we? Wouldn’t we?” crept into my mind, I did my best to shove them aside and focus on enjoying swimming with my kids and visiting Mills Fleet Farm.  We all had the wow factor for the latter.  The former was surprisingly enjoyable too as the pool was as warm and huge.

Saturday morning got off to a slow start.  I woke up to a blustery, snowy morning and dog poop in the car.  Bad omens all around.  I cleaned that up and chatted with some (ice) fishermen in the parking lot while my family slept.  After they woke, we swam, ate breakfast, and packed up.  This had to be a fun experience for everybody, especially if we didn’t get the bird, so I did my best to move slow and just enjoy being with the people I love.   I tried to relax, thinking that if the bird was there, it would be there all day.

At 10:30, we were finally en route to Aitkin.  We had a cool birding moment along the way – we all all witnessed an Osprey fly low right over the car carrying a bluegill in in its talons.  By 11:00, we were finally on-site in someone’s yard in rural Aitkin.  There were three other cars of birders there from the cities of Winona, Faribault, and Hastings.  We weren’t the only twitchers today.  It was too cold to stand and watch, so Evan stayed in the car while I watched with the other birders for a little bit before escaping back to the car.  I was not dressed appropriately for this latest winter weather. That’s me on the left.

Bunting Hunting

I quickly tried to get a handle on the situation.  I asked them how long they’d been there. They replied they arrived five minutes ago.  That meant there was a chance.  Then I found out one woman had been there since 9 AM and not seen it yet.  Oy.  As I chatted, I could tell I was with some serious birders.  They were analyzing every sound and sight. Birds would come in, binoculars would go up.  One guy said in response to a bird sound, “That sounds more like the Warbling Vireo to me.”  Later on, another said, “I keep trying to turn these cowbirds into Brewer’s Blackbirds, or better yet, a Rusty Blackbird.”  Smiles and light chuckles could be heard from the others.  Then one of the guys said something that caught my attention: “Yeah, this is nothing more than a workshop on Purple Finch identification.”

“There are Purple Finches here?” I replied.

“Yeah, there’s a couple right up there,” he said as he pointed to the top of a tree. Awesome – a life bird.  All winter long we’d been trying to turn House Finches into Purple Finches.  They look extremely similar.  I went back to the car to get Evan, so he could see them.  We got several good looks as we sat and waited.  Here is a shot of a group of females.  They have that white stripe above their eye which distinguishes them from the plainer female House Finch.

IMG_3294Here is the male.  He differs from his House Finch counterpart by lacking the brown streaking on the sides.  The Purple Finch male also has a solid colored head where the House Finch has a contrasting brownish cap.


It was fun to get this life bird.  I thought we’d have to wait until next winter as it is a northern bird.  Today this bird ended up being our silver lining.

One by one, the other birders eventually left.  Even the lady who’d been there since 9:00 called it off.  We hung on for awhile.  We moved our vehicle to the number one viewing spot which was important on this cold day.  We couldn’t handle being outside for more than a few minutes.  While we waited, the Yellow-rumped Warbler dropped into the tree next to us.  Finally!  I tried to take some pictures, but it wouldn’t hold still long.  I managed to get one recognizable photo.

IMG_3311After an hour-and-a-half of watching these kind strangers’ bird feeders, we called it off. I’m sure this weather convinced this tropical bunting that he was lost.  It just wasn’t to be. That’s okay.  We had a good time as a family, got a life bird, and photographed a nemesis bird.  The hunt lives on and will only make success that much more thrilling when we find it.

As a consolation to our defeat, we were treated to our FOY (First of Year) Baltimore Oriole at our own feeders tonight.  Chance favors the prepared – set out some oranges and grape jelly in a dish if you want to see one.






A Sweet Lifer and a Striking FOY

I came home tonight to observe a strange sight: 10 Pine Siskins on the bird feeder.  It was so odd to not have a single one all winter but have them now during migration.  By all rights these birds should be gone to the far north by now.  They must be birds from further south moving their way north.  Since it was a life bird just yesterday, I was still intrigued with them and observed them for awhile.  As I watched these birds, a chunky sparrow with a dark head came running out of our front cedar bush.  It was new, and I didn’t have to look it up because I had been waiting to see it any day.  It was the Harris’s Sparrow!  

IMG_3260It was nice to finally get this target bird.  Now the challenge and hope was that Evan would see it.  I called Melissa and told her to be on the lookout when they pulled in the driveway.  She said she didn’t even want to tell him in case it wasn’t there.

Soon enough Melissa and the kiddos got home, and the Harris’s Sparrow was nowhere to be seen.  Evan asked me about birds I had seen, and I talked about the Pine Siskins. I held back on the new sparrow because I wanted him to not fret about seeing it.  I was confident it would be back.  I didn’t have to wait long before I spotted it again and called him over.  I pointed to it, and he exclaimed, “Whoaaa…”  Without telling him the bird, I asked him what it was.  He quickly replied, “The Harris’s Sparrow!”  We do our homework around here.

It turns out that we had a few of these around tonight.  Here are some shots from the backyard feeder.  It’s such a cool looking sparrow.



We continue to have White-crowned Sparrows and White-throated Sparrows.  Here is another picture of the White-crowned.  IMG_3246

Someone from the metro described today’s wave of new birds as a floodgate that had been opened.  We’re not getting as much as our metro neighbors, but we had some fun visitors tonight.  In addition to the Pine Siskins and all the sparrow species, a Yellow-rumped Warbler landed in the yard but disappeared before I could get a picture.  It is my new nemesis bird.  The best visitor, though, besides the life-bird sparrow, was our FOY male Rose-breasted Grosbeak.  For the non-birder, FOY stands for First Of Year. This one even held Melissa’s attention tonight.



Early Birds

It was a beautiful morning when I went out to do my dog chores today.  I was constantly looking up to check for anything new in the trees.  Migration has been pretty slow in our part of the state compared to the metro area, so I keep expecting to see something new at any moment.  After my chores I came in the house and looked out at the front feeder.  I saw an LBB come in that looked a little different.  I pulled up the binoculars to amplify the low light in the early morning and was pleasantly surprised to find the Pine Siskin – a life bird and winter visitor that eluded us these past several months!  I spent a lot of time scanning through dozens of redpolls and goldfinches for this bird all winter but was never able to observe one.  It should not have been a difficult bird to get, but it was for us.  Imagine my surprise to find it now in May when it should be long gone to the north by now.IMG_3165

After confirming my sighting with a photograph, I hustled into Evan’s room where he was still sleeping at 6:10.  Evan has always been a bear to wake up.  It usually takes both of us several trips into his room to try to wake him.  Some days we’ve literally dragged him out of bed.  I knew it would be different today.  I put my hand on his shoulder and whispered, “Evan, we’ve got the Pine Siskin.”  His eyes bulged open, and he flew out of bed.  He got to see it and add it to his life list too.IMG_3172

It was a fun way to start the day.  We start to get twitchy when we go for more than a day without getting a new life bird.  That’s the fun of getting into this sport and being in the midst of spring migration – you never know what you’ll see next, and you usually don’t have to wait long to get a new bird.  As much fun as it is to find life birds (I realize that is mostly all I write about), I also appreciate not seeing everything as we experience migration for the first time.  Those unseen birds give us something to look forward to for the next season.  The hunt and the hope of a new bird is almost as much fun as seeing a new one.

Besides seeing new birds, it is always fun to see familiar birds and appreciate their beauty and behaviors.  Tonight I had to travel with Steve for a meeting in Marshall.  Of course we had to stop by a marsh right off the highway on the way home to do a little birding.  I finally got a picture of the Yellow-headed Blackbird and the Red-winged Blackbird.  They splashed the dull marsh with fabulous color.

IMG_3180 IMG_3191Blue-winged Teal are also fun to see in the evening light.

IMG_3193Steve also pointed out a life bird for me – the Wilson’s Phalarope.  This bird was extremely close but would not sit still for me.  I told Evan tonight that I’m going to have to find another one with him so I can get a better picture.


Angry Birders

Yesterday our birding plan was to get up and go on a naturalist-led birding walk at Sibley State Park.  We woke up to temps in the high 30s with a mist coming down.  There was no way I wanted to go out in this weather, let alone drag a 6-year-old out there.  So I pulled the plug.  It’s a good thing I did because shortly afterward Evan started throwing up.  No birding this day.  Steve was on the birding walk and reported that there was no bird action at the park.  For once we didn’t miss out.

I later met Steve at the Wild Bird Warehouse which was having an open house that day.  I needed some seed, and since everything was on sale today I headed in to check it out.  I visited with the owner for a bit, and he told me about the sparrow action he had at the feeders outside of his store.  One of them is one we’re after – the Harris’s Sparrow.  This particular sparrow only passes through our area during migration on its way north.  After chatting for a bit with Randy and Steve, I made my way back home.

As the day went on, Evan seemed okay, so I asked if he wanted to take a short car ride and watch the feeders at the bird store from the comfort of the car to find our Harris’s Sparrow.  He didn’t want to.  He must have been really sick.

This morning we woke up with a different kid.  He was healthy, hungry, and full of life again.  Since we had to run errands in town, we decided to do a little birding as a family before doing errands.  We were going to go to the Bergquist Nature Area in Willmar and then go to watch the feeders at the bird store.  Getting two kids out of the house was like trying to move a herd of turtles.  At one point Evan refused to wear a coat because it interfered with his birding vest.  This was a major issue and before long he was in an all-out tantrum.  Melissa and Marin went to town to do the errands.  I stayed home with the screamer.  No birding today.  The anxiety of not finding a new bird for a few days now was growing, especially with increased reports on MOU-Net of all kinds of returning birds.

Evan eventually calmed down and came out of his room, but I was very frustrated.  His actions not only affected him today but me also.  The kid did his time in his room and was happily playing afterward.  I was still miffed – he seemed to be very content to just play.  It appeared I was the one being punished.  So I talked with him and told him that I still wanted to go to these feeders but his behavior caused us to miss out on the Bergquist Nature Area as a family.  Because I wanted to go to the feeders, I had no choice but to bring him with me.  I also told him that we’d stay as long as I wanted and that he should just be happy to still get to do something birding-related today.

With that drama behind us, we headed to the bird store.  We were treated to all kinds of sparrow activity today.  I was searching for the Harris’s Sparrow but was happy to find the Lincoln’s Sparrow, which we weren’t able to photograph a couple days previously.



There were actually about a half dozen of these that we were watching.  Then I saw a much darker sparrow appear, and I quickly shifted to this new subject for my photography.  It was our lifer, the Swamp Sparrow!


We were delighted to see the Song Sparrow shown in the foreground below with the Swamp Sparrow in the background.


It was fun to see the White-throated Sparrow shown below.  We also saw the White-crowned Sparrow, the Fox Sparrow, and the House Sparrow.  It was a 7-sparrow stop!  Hopefully we’ll find the Harris’s soon.  As fun as the Swamp Sparrow was, that bird is a resident in the summer so there was no worry about getting it.  Our window of time is closing for Harris’s, and the anxiety continues to build.  Hopefully we don’t add to that anxiety by our behavior like we did today.




Photo Proof

It is said that chance favors the prepared.  Well, today was full of chances at viewing life birds, and I was not prepared.  There is very little I could have done about my first life bird of the day, the Yellow-headed Blackbird.  I was on my way to work, and I was late. I spotted these birds on the shoulder of the busy highway I travel.  There was no way I could stop. It was neat to get this one that Evan got the other day, but as with many other birds, I still needed a picture.  A good picture clinches a life bird.  It is both proof of a sighting and a trophy to behold.

When I got home, Steve had called saying he had a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Orange-crowned Warblers, and Lincoln Sparrows in his yard – all would be life birds.  He also had Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Yellow-rumped Warblers – two species that we’ve seen but haven’t yet captured with a picture.  It was a bird bonanza at his house.  Evan and I had to go check it out.

We got to his house, and the three of us and Steve’s two dogs crowded around a singular glass door overlooking his back yard trying to identify tiny birds at the tops of trees at the end of his lot.  It’s kind of funny how life can be unpredictable.  If someone had shown me a picture of this scene a year ago and said it was in my future, I would have been really confused.  A year ago I wasn’t chasing birds, I didn’t know Steve, and I would have wondered what the five of us were viewing so intently.  I was relying on my camera to look at birds because they were far out, and I hadn’t brought a pair of binoculars.  We didn’t have to wait long to see what Steve had reported.  I was able to get this picture of the Orange-crowned Warbler, a life bird, just before my camera battery died.

IMG_3100Argh! Not only could I not clinch any more action with photos, but I also couldn’t see anything unless it was close. I had to use my naked eyes to view the swarm of Ruby-crowned Kinglets in the pine tree.  Then we were fortunate to have the Lincoln’s Sparrow come to the feeder right off the patio.  It was awesome for Evan and I to see another life bird.  It killed me to see it in perfect light so close and not do anything about it.  Later on Steve identified the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.  It was way out there.  Steve lent me his binoculars, but it was gone by the time I could focus them.  Evan didn’t even see it flitting in the tree.

When we were leaving, Evan said that I got three life birds and that he only got two.  He didn’t want to count the Gnatcatcher.  He has his own integrity for his sightings.  Sound isn’t enough, and he has to see them with his own eyes.  I knew he was bummed about this, so I said I wasn’t really counting it on my list.  I didn’t get a good enough look at it.  I need my photo proof. It was a great day of lifers, regardless; and it was nice of Steve to think of us and invite us over to help us with our life lists.

At least my camera was working for this photo-op of a pair of Blue-winged Teal I saw at the school pond today.


I don’t want to be unprepared again. I’m going to order a second camera battery.  While I’m at it, I better make sure I have another SD card as my first has over 1500 images on it.  Birds have wings – you never know what will show up or how long they’ll stay.  Next time I’ll be ready.


Perfect Timing, Mr. White-crowned Sparrow

If you read our last post,One Good Tern Deserves Another, then you will know that Evan incorrectly identified the White-throated Sparrow as the White-crowned Sparrow. Well, this afternoon when I was home alone I happened to be looking out the window when the White-crowned Sparrow dropped by the birch tree out front!  I had to do a double-take to make sure I wasn’t seeing yesterday’s White-throated Sparrow. This was a life bird for me and a new yard bird.  Evan was on his way home, and I was hoping the bird would still be around when he got there.  Here are a couple of pictures I took while I waited for Evan.


IMG_3083Do you see how easily it can be misidentified as the White-throated Sparrow?  Below is a picture of the White-throated Sparrow from yesterday so you can see how closely they resemble each other. The White-throated has the yellow patch by the eye, a conspicuous white throat, and a dark bill.  The White-crowned lacks the yellow patch and white throat and has a pink bill.

IMG_3075The sparrow disappeared while I watched.  Evan still wasn’t home.  I was a little worried. I looked a little later and was relieved to now see two of them feeding on the ground by our tree.  I saw the van coming down our street, so I went outside to point the new sparrows out to Evan.  By this time they had flushed into the tree.  When the van door opened and I could explain what was going on, the two birds flew away into our bushes before he saw them.  I told Evan to go wait on the living room couch and just watch out the window.  He did, and he was pretty sad.  He didn’t think he’d get to see them.  I bet we didn’t even wait 5 minutes before they came back.  Whew!  Later on we had three of these birds scratching the ground looking for seed.

Life birds are more fun when shared, and they are even better when they are also new yard birds.  This was our seventh species of sparrow to come to the yard since we’ve started watching birds.  There are a few more species of sparrows that have returned to Minnesota this spring that we have yet to see.  We are hoping the Harris’s Sparrow will decide to visit any day.  I no longer think sparrows are boring.  They’re actually pretty cool.

One Good Tern Deserves Another

Yesterday Evan declined my offer to take him to a marsh in western Minnesota to look for the White-faced Ibis, American Avocet, and Western Grebe.  He was too busy having fun playing outside with the neighbor girl.  Weekend play time is precious for a kid, especially since we are finally enjoying some nice weather.  A one-and-a-half hour trip each way to a marsh would certainly chew into that time.

Later on while Marin napped and Melissa made supper, the rest of us (Evan, Grandma, Grandpa, and me) took a short drive to do a little birding close to home.  We ended up going to the pond at my school.  Almost immediately upon arrival we saw a small gull-like bird dashing about.  Just as I was about to ask what it was, Evan shouted out, “A tern!”  The little bugger was right.  His studying paid off again.  We watched about three of these flying non-stop in the windy conditions.  I knew there were several different terns, so I took many pictures to get as many clues as possible for identification.  I think it would have been easier to photograph a flying golf ball.  We got to hear the tern as well.  With our collection of blurry photos and the sounds we heard, we determined we had the Forster’s Tern!  This was a life bird for at least Evan and me.

IMG_3067The combination of the bird’s speed and shooting into the sun made it tough to get a decent picture.  This one would have been great if the sun were on the other side.  I found the long, forked tail to be a really cool feature on this bird.


There were other birds on the pond, but we were focused on getting a positive identification on this life bird.  I did manage to take a picture of a lone Trumpeter Swan that stopped by while we were there.

IMG_3053Today Evan’s grandparents did their own migration north to their home.  As we were working around the yard and house tonight and adjusting to two less people in the house, Evan came running to me and said, “Dad, we’ve got the White-crowned Sparrow!” I grabbed the camera and ran out to the deck.  Evan proudly pointed out the bird. I wouldn’t have had to run because it had no fear of us as it scratched in the leaf litter looking for some food.  Evan was a little off on his identification this time as we actually had the White-throated Sparrow.  It is very similar in appearance to the White-crowned Sparrow, so Evan wasn’t too far off.  He knew it was a life bird for us either way and a new yard bird!  Way to go, Evan!   This sparrow is a family favorite even though we’ve never seen one before tonight.  Its song is a northern Minnesota classic and reminds us of home.  It goes something like this: Oh, sweet kimberly-kimberly-kimberly.

IMG_3075Here you can see why the White-throated Sparrow is so-named.



Usually I’m the one finding and identifying new birds for us.  The last two days Evan has been finding the good ones and pointing them out to me.  Evan has been a birder in his own right for some time now.  It’s been fun to watch him use his eagle eyes and demonstrate his knowledge of birds.   He’s a real asset to the Team.