Birding Arizona for the First Time

Somehow life has come full circle as I found myself planning a trip to Arizona this year to visit my snowbird parents.  I can remember many long car trips as a kid when we would go to Arizona to visit my dad’s parents in Sun City and then there were sporadic trips several years later to visit my mom’s parents in Yuma.  And now I’m hauling my family across the country to repeat history for our 2014 spring break.  But this was my first trip to Arizona as a birder.  Other birders know just how exciting it is to escape to a new state, complete with its own collection of unique birds. It doesn’t take long to exhaust the novelty of the birds on your home turf, so one must wait for a rarity to fly in or for a chance to visit a new destination. Birding changes everything – old places become exciting, you’re never bored when you’re outside, and someone else’s ordinary birds are prizes to find.

So this past Sunday we flew into Phoenix early in the morning, and I was ready to enjoy the fallout of lifers that was sure to happen.  My parents picked us up at the airport and drove us through the myriad of freeways and highways down to their place in Maricopa. I couldn’t help myself.  Yes, the t-shirt weather was dreamy and it was good to see my folks, but I had to look at everything that flew. The problem, though, was that I knew I was seeing a lot of new birds, but we were going freeway speeds and I couldn’t make anything out.  I think I was able to discern some Great-tailed Grackles flying across the road, but I needed a good, long look.  Anything else is most dissatisfying.

We had planned to hit up Zanjero Park on the way home to look for the number one target, the Burrowing Owl, but with a couple of tired kids, one of which had become quite sick, we just needed to get to Grandma and Grandpa’s. On the ride Dad did inform me that he saw a pair of Burrowing Owls near their house the night before.  What?!  That was something that could not be delayed – we must check it out before we got to their house.  Sick kid or not.

As we got near the vacant lot where my parents saw the owls, we drove by a small, man-made pond.  To my amazement there was a duck on the pond shining like a red beacon in the early morning sun – the Cinnamon Teal!  This was major target number two and it was already in the bag.

Cinnamon Teal Drake

Cinnamon Teal Drake

IMG_6844Bam! What a way to start the Arizona birding! As I was standing in the middle of the street photographing this bird, the air was filled with the most exotic bird noises I’ve ever heard.  What I was hearing were the clicks, whistles, and squeaks of Great-tailed Grackles everywhere. I’ve heard them called nuisance birds before, but I thought they were simply amazing.  Maybe it was the sounds, maybe it was warmth, maybe it was the cool cacti and palm vegetation everywhere, but I was enjoying the euphoria of birding in this wonderful new environment.

Great-tailed Grackle

Great-tailed Grackle

But the lifer party wasn’t over on this little stop.  Across the shore I spotted a Neotropic Cormorant.  I really don’t care for cormorants, so this shot is more or less just to document a life bird.

Neotropic Cormorant

Neotropic Cormorant

Finally we got back to the house and got sick Marin situated so she was comfortable.  But I could only take being in the house so long.  There was a hot, blazing sun outside and new birds everywhere.  My quest started on the patio.  At first all I was seeing were Mourning Doves, House Finches, and House Sparrows.  Ugh. I didn’t fly across the country to see my own yard.  But with a little patience and careful observation, life birds began to make their appearance.  The first to show up was this Say’s Phoebe.

Say's Phoebe

Say’s Phoebe

Then one of Arizona’s hummers came in – the Black-chinned Hummingbird!


Black-chinned Hummingbird

I had also observed a warbler darting in and out of my dad’s trees and was pleased to see it was the Audobon’s Yellow-rumped Warbler.  This is not a new species, but we don’t often get this variety of the butter-butts in Minnesota.  Ours are mostly the Myrtle’s variety.

Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler

Audubon’s Yellow-rumped Warbler

Another bird that was flitting around in this same tree was a life bird – the Verdin.



Not only were there new birds everywhere and warm sun beating down, but there were all kinds of other cool critters moving about the backyard.

IMG_6894IMG_6896After some time of going in the house to check on Marin and going out of the house to look for new birds, I was getting the itch to see what other avian treasures the neighborhood held.  So Dad and I went for a little walk.  Right around the corner we found another life bird, the Northern Mockingbird.

Northern Mockingbird

Northern Mockingbird

And it doesn’t take long to bump into the ever-present non-lifer that is so unique and beautiful that I remember it from my non-birding days, the Gambel’s Quail.


Gambel’s Quail


Gambel’s Quail are skittish but easily found in both the city and desert environments of Arizona.

As Dad and I concluded our walk, I saw a flash of copper and whir of furious wings buzz right by us.  It was a new hummingbird of some sort.  I tried to snap a photo.  It’s blurry, but this photo helped me determine I saw the Rufous Hummingbird – a migrating bird that was just passing through.  My Arizona birder friend, Laurence Butler, told me this was quite a find at such a low elevation.  So, even though the picture is blurry, I decided to post it because it was such a cool lifer. And let’s be real.  It’s a hummingbird. They move at like Mach 2, at least.

Rufous Hummingbird

Rufous Hummingbird

The trip was off to a great start.  Eight lifers, a couple really cool non-lifers, and one major target checked off.  And this was just the tip of the birding iceberg for this trip. Check back to see some more posts from our time in Arizona.  If you’re a fan of owls (who isn’t?), you won’t want to miss the next couple posts.

The Cathartic Effect of Owling with my Boy

Early this morning, I do what many of us do when our phone alarm wakes us – I check email and text messages. This morning I woke up to a text message from school: report to work 15 minutes early for a staff meeting – make every effort possible to be there at that time.  That could only mean one thing. Tragedy.  I scrambled to get myself and Marin out the door.  In the mean time I traded texts with colleagues and quickly found out what I had expected – one of our seniors lost his life as the result of an avalanche while snowmobiling in Montana.  I was stunned and confused.  It didn’t make sense to me.  Just the day before I visited at length with a young man who had returned early from that trip because he and several others were rattled by a close-call with a different avalanche.  It wasn’t until later that I learned a few of them remained in Montana  to continue snowmobiling after the others left.

Even though I’ve been through this in my career before, there are no words to describe what a sickening feeling it is.  Death is always hard to take, but it is even worse when it happens to someone so young.  It just isn’t the way it’s supposed to be. In a small school like ours the devastation ripples through the entire school community.  Somehow as staff and students we would have to muddle our way through the confusion and sadness of what was to be a very long school day.  There is no protocol for such an event.  The day started with our scripted announcement in class.  To my shock, most students had no idea.  I wrongly assumed in this day of social media that they knew what I knew. Students wept, they sobbed, they huddled, they moved from room to room. The collective grief was palpable in the hallways.  They didn’t know what to do and neither did we.  Older students were affected more than younger students, so as I went through my day I had to play to both sides – allowing the older ones to do whatever they needed and having the younger students do learning activities that weren’t too taxing yet kept their minds and bodies busy by doing something productive. Somehow we made it to the end of the day.

Though I’ve been around student deaths before, this was the first time something like this has happened since I became a dad.  It takes on a whole new weight.  I can’t imagine the parents’ pain.  That spark in their life was snuffed out so unexpectedly.  Simple things like tousling a kid’s hair or hearing him laugh are gone. I get to go home and do those things.  It’s just unfair.

Evan and I did have plans to go look for another Eastern Screech Owl this evening at one of my student’s houses.  I figured it wouldn’t be wise for a teacher to go after such a selfish pursuit at student’s property on this day, so I canceled.  But today the owls found me and the owling would be unavoidable.  When I finally walked out those school doors today, I was savoring the fresh air and mental renewal it triggered when a text came in from Randy.  His Great Horned Owl was in his yard.  Randy knew I’ve been wanting to photograph one.  It was just the break I needed after this day.  The grief counselors told us we needed to find something fun, something exciting to do in the next couple days.  This was it for me.  I never feel more fully alive than when it’s go time for a good bird.

I picked up Marin from daycare and gave her a big hug right away.  Then we got home and got her ready for dance class while we waited for Melissa to come home and bring her to class.  While we waited, Marin wanted to play a new board game she got for her birthday.  After today, I couldn’t just brush her off.  Even though she and I both had to be somewhere shortly, we played the game for a bit.  She absolutely loves interactive games and puzzles.  While we played, I got a phone call from Jeremy, a fellow teacher – his Barred Owl showed up in his yard this evening back in Grove City!  Wow! With daylight savings time last weekend, we now had the daylight to go after both owls!  I spoke with Melissa while she was en route home and filled her in with what I was planning.  She said that was good news because Evan was disappointed about not going after the screech owl.  This surprised me a little because Evan has become somewhat apathetic towards birds he’s seen before.

Melissa came home, and Evan and I were off to Randy’s.  It took forever to find his Great Horned Owl.  He finally relocated it for us, but it was obscured by branches and quite far off. As we searched, it was fun to watch Evan have fun by playing with Randy’s pet bird and laughing at Randy’s teasings.  They were moments to cherish. Despite Randy’s best efforts to lure the owl close to the window for some pictures, it wasn’t budging.  Finally I went outside to get some photos, and it flushed to a different perch.  The perch was far away, but it wasn’t as obscured as before.  Nevertheless, I was able to get what I wanted.

Randy's Great Horned Owl

Randy’s Great Horned Owl

IMG_6797 IMG_6808IMG_6815This was a real treat.  They are common owls, but I rarely have seen them in the daytime.  They are absolutely fascinating to look at.  And this one was so different than the nearly all-white one I had seen a couple months ago.

While at Randy’s I was in communication with Jeremy who lived 20 miles away.  He assured me the Barred Owl was still there.  I invited Steve along because he still needed a Barred Owl for the year. We got to Jeremy’s house, and I found the Barred Owl immediately in his tree when I caught its silhouette against the sky.  Looking at it straight on made it much harder to find – check out how well it blends in.


Jeremy’s Barred Owl

Barred Owls are fantastic birds with a real unique look.  I love the gentle expression of their face with the soft, black eyes.  Most owls have the yellow eyes that seem to pierce your soul.IMG_6828IMG_6825

An owl always puts a bright spot on a normal day.  Seeing two species with my kid on such a gloomy day was just what I needed.  I don’t know how long Evan will enjoy looking at birds with me.  It will probably ebb and flow.  I’m okay with that.  He got me into this hobby, so who knows what else I’ll pursue because of him or Marin.  What I do know is that I intend to spend as much time as possible with both of them doing things that make them tick.

Owl About the Family

I have a great wife. Yesterday I received a message in the early afternoon from a fellow birder in Otsego that his Eastern Screech Owl was in his Wood Duck house for the day. I checked in with Steve to find out if he wanted to make the two-hour trip.  When Steve said he wasn’t able to go, I gave up on making the long trek.  But then, without me asking, Melissa said she would be up for a drive and a little adventure. Yes!

Let me give you a little background on this species and this particular owl itself. Obviously because I was willing to travel that far, it was a life bird.  Eastern Screech Owls are fairly common, but because they are strictly nocturnal and small (8 in), they are rarely seen.  Occasionally people see them in the winter when the owls poke their heads out of Wood Duck houses or tree cavities. To put an emphasis on how seldom they are found, the bird we were going to see is the only recorded sighting in Minnesota on eBird this winter.  This particular owl had been seen off and on for the past couple months.  Because it usually pokes its head out just before dark and because it’s not in the box every day, a trip up to Otsego on any other day would be a gamble and a potentially a waste of a trip.  However, when the owl is in the box for the day, it stays.  The property owner said that if, on the rare occasion, it showed itself early in the day, he would let me know so I’d have time to react and get up there. Yesterday was just such a day.

Complicating the decision to travel yesterday was that a student at my school had showed me pictures of an Eastern Screech Owl that had been occupying his Wood Duck house in recent days.  So I’ve been waiting for a call from him too. But like they say, “A bird in the hand…”  Plus, the Otsego screech owl was a gray phase.  The one at my student’s house is a red phase.  I want to see both.

So it was go time.  Though Melissa had changed into her hangout clothes for the afternoon and the kids were finishing a playdate with the neighbor girl, we hustled to get the car loaded for the little trip.  After a busy musical season followed by two kids’ birthdays, Melissa was ready for the kind of nap that only a long car ride can give. In fact, she decided she wasn’t changing out of her flannel pajama shirt that had birds all over it – something I tease her about by calling it her bird smock.  Because it is the center of some ribbing she decided that though she was going on this chase, she wouldn’t change out of it just to be playfully spiteful.  I told her it didn’t bother me, but it was definitely making the blog.  Notice, though, that there are no pictures.  I’m not that dumb.  After all, I’ve got a girl who volunteers to go on bird trips.  How great is that? Plus I value my life.

The trip up was uneventful.  Notable bird sightings included 9 Ring-necked Pheasants (7 hens – a promising sign for the following year), 3 American Robins (Yes – spring!), a Bald Eagle, and a pair of Trumpeter Swans.  We found the house without trouble and were invited in to his house to view the owl since it can only be observed out his backyard patio door.  Both kids wanted to see the owl, so they came in with me.   And it was sticking its head out right away – do you see it?


Do you see the Eastern Screech Owl?

Here’s a better shot.  While I photographed the owl, the kids had more fun looking at this birder’s pet fish and caged birds.It was fun to finally see this owl, even if it didn’t do anything but sleep the whole time.


Sleeping Eastern Screech Owl – Gray Phase


You are seeing most all of the Eastern Screech Owl as its feet are on the lip of the hole.

Since the owl wasn’t doing much and I had gotten the best pictures I could muster, it was time to leave this generous birder who shared his home and owl with us.  It was fun to chat birds a bit and match a name with a face.  The friendliness of many fellow birders never ceases to amaze me.

Being in Otsego, we were just a 10 minute drive from the state’s most famous Snowy Owl, named Ramsey for the town it was discovered in.  This owl has had throngs of people visit it and walk right underneath it while it perches on poles or rooftops.  It has been on the nightly news and is even one of about a dozen Snowy Owls across the country that has been captured and outfitted with a GPS tracker to study the movements of these owls during this historic invasion.  This huge research initiative, called Project Snowstorm, sprang up rapidly in response to this Snowy Owl phenomenon this winter.  You can follow these owls’ movements on interactive maps at  There are actually two Snowy Owls at Ramsey’s location, and we ended up finding Cellie, named for being discovered on a nearby cell tower.  Do you see Cellie?


Cellie – one of two Snowy Owls in Ramsey by US Hwy 10

It was finally an opportunity to get some good Snowy Owl pictures.  Though I have now seen 9 Snowy Owls this season, I’m not completely satisfied with my pictures.  I still wish the sky would have been blue for these, but I’m pretty happy with them.IMG_6761IMG_6771 IMG_6765

 Finally it was time to go.  We grabbed a bite to eat at Denny’s and then got home to put kids to bed.  It was another fun, impromptu bird trip full of owls.  All of these owls have taken some of the sting out of this wretched winter and given our family some fun adventures.  To some extent I will mourn the end of this epic owl season.  Who knows, given the weather and the abundance of Snowies, there may still be more owls to find long into spring.

Birds Battling the Blizzard

Today was one of those days that we knew ahead of time we’d be coming home early from school.  A blizzard warning was forecast to begin at 11 AM.  Interestingly the skies were crystal clear today, but the 40 MPH winds created a ground blizzard with white-outs and drifting across rural roads.  As soon as I was released from school I took a drive out to the house of one of my coworkers who excitedly called me this morning to report she had a Snowy Owl along her 1/2 mile-long driveway.  I went to check it out, but the bird was long gone.

So I then picked up Marin and the two of us went on to pick up Evan from school.  I walked into school and found a beaming Evan who excitedly dug in his back-pack to pull out the special envelope from the school nurse that contained the tooth he lost that day! It was definitely an exciting moment and fun to listen to the slight change in speech in Evan who now has two holes in his face.

Since we were already in town, I decided we would head out to the city airport because Randy had found a Snowy Owl out there the previous evening.  We simply had to check it out.  We found the owl no problem as it was right where Randy described it – on top of small knoll by a smashed grain bin out past the runways.  The great distance from the road and the blowing snow made it tough to even verify we were looking at a Snowy, but I was able to capture the Snowy’s essence in the photo below.

Snowy Owl at Willmar Municipal Airport

Snowy Owl at Willmar Municipal Airport

And since we were at the airport, we had to drive by the F-15 that is on display.  Evan also had to tell us about the different buildings he toured here with his Cub Scout den a few months ago.

U.S. Navy F-15 at Willmar Municipal Airport

U.S. Navy F-15 at Willmar Municipal Airport

You can see from the flags above just how windy it was today.  On the way home we spotted a rooster pheasant right near our home that was fighting this wind with all his might just to find something to eat by the road.


Rooster (male) Ring-necked Pheasant

The kids didn’t see the rooster on the first pass, so I had to turn the car around and go back.  Now the rooster was on Evan’s side, so he saw it easily.  But Marin, on the opposite side and strapped into a car seat, could not see it and was sure to tell us as much. “Where? I can’t seeeee!”  So I had to turn the car around again so it was on her side, but that turkey of a rooster came right up by the car and Marin couldn’t see it when she looked out her window.  Finally it ran away from the road giving her a view.  I had to drive back and forth on the shoulder several times to jockey for position to give the kids a view and to try to take a picture of this bird struggling with the wind.IMG_6541

Evan was much more excited to see this rooster than the Snowy Owl earlier.  I think he was in awe of this bird’s splendor as the sun hit its breast when he exclaimed, “Look at that RED chest!”  I never get tired of seeing roosters either.  They are one of my favorite birds.  It was a nice bonus bird for this unplanned birding outing.

Rooster Ring-necked Pheasant

A Typical Monday: Errands, Lessons, and a Snowy Owl Check-up

I am fortunate to teach at a school with a four-day school week, which means that I have several Mondays off.  These days are often a chance for me to catch up on some projects and just hang out with Marin.  Today was no different as Marin and I got not one, but two oil changes done, and we shopped for the groceries too.  Marin was an absolute trooper always keeping herself entertained wherever we went.  At the car dealership she and I played with toy cars in the their playroom, and at the store she “helped” me shop.

I also like Mondays because I’m able to drive Evan to and from school.  It’s nice for him to be able to sleep in a little longer on these days.  After Marin and I picked up Evan from school, we went to Evan’s piano lesson.  Again Marin was a trooper as she was dragged along to something else. This time she played her Kindle and danced to the live band that was playing at the coffee shop where we waited.

After piano I decided to take advantage of the increasing amount of daylight to go look for our resident Snowy Owl with the kids.  I’ve made several checks on this owl in the last month to keep tabs on it, and I have seen it and reported it a number of times.  Most of the time, though, I’m by myself or with other birders so I don’t write about it on this blog.  It has been fun to have a Snowy Owl so close to home – just 12 miles away.  Every time I go out looking for it, it’s like a big game of “Where’s Waldo?” since it’s never in the same place and it blends in with the white landscape.  Sometimes I find it perched on the ground in fields, sitting on irrigators, or perched up nicely on a powerline pole.  Today was a pole day as we found it right away in beautiful light with clear blue skies, no less. Unfortunately, it flushed from the pole as soon as I pulled safely onto the shoulder, and it landed on a nearby Morton building.  My photos were taken from nearly 75 yards, but I managed to get some fun ones without disturbing the owl.  While these owls frequently perch on buildings and houses, this was the first time I’d witnessed it.

Our Resident Snowy Owl

Our Resident Snowy Owl

This owl has been significant for many birders. A couple of my friends finally saw their Kandiyohi County Snowy Owl with this one.  In fact, Joel had been waiting for over a decade to see one in our county. For many others, this was simply a Snowy Owl life bird.  And other, hard-core birders known as county listers – those who keep a list of birds for each of Minnesota’s 87 counties – have made the trip to see this owl because Kandiyohi has been a tough county in which to tally a Snowy. This owl has been very photogenic and has stuck around for well over a month now.  It definitely spices up the mundane winter birding around here.


A wide-angle shot for my mom...and Morton Buildings

A wide-angle shot for my mom…and Morton Buildings

I don’t know how long we will get to enjoy the company of this magnificent owl.  This has been an historic year for Snowy Owls across the country as they have invaded the northern states in droves.  Who knows when we will ever see another winter like this one.  Therefore I’m going to soak up the experience of our resident Snowy by visiting it often and doing my part as a citizen scientist to document its continued presence on  As fun as it’s been for the kids to see these owls (numerous times), I don’t think they fully appreciate or understand the significance of this phenomenon.  Maybe someday they can look back at these posts and see just how cool of a time this was.

Chasing the Long-tailed Duck by Evan

First my Dad found out about the duck on his email.  We found the duck on the Mississippi River in Sartell, MN.  And it was PRETTY cold!!

Dam across the Mississippi River in Sartell, Minnesota

Dam across the Mississippi River in Sartell, Minnesota

There were other ducks there too…Common Goldeneyes about 30 and Mallards about 95.

Common Goldeneye Drakes

Common Goldeneye Drakes

It was our second try to find this duck.  There were 2 other people with me – dad and Marin. And I got to skip school!  And I got to spend over an hour in the car.

Evan and Marin looking through the Common Goldeneyes for the Long-tailed Duck

Evan and Marin looking to find the Long-tailed Duck among the Common Goldeneyes

And it was hard to see because it goes under the water all the time!

The Long-tailed Duck was difficult to spot!

The Long-tailed Duck was difficult to spot!

Long-tailed Duck

The Long-tailed Duck is formerly known as the Oldsquaw

Long-tailed Duck

This Long-tailed Duck was first discovered by Herb Dingmann on January 29th.  Herb showed up to point the duck out to us or we never would have found it!

Then we watched the movie Nut Job in a theater.

Evan the Blogger

Evan the Blogger



Editor’s Note: Evan wrote this post himself. The title, word choices, punctuation, and points of emphasis are his. My involvement was helping him do a pre-writing activity to brainstorm the facts. I also wrote the captions for the pictures.


The Snowy Owl Fallout Continues

December was a record month for us for seeing owls. By the time we had come home from our trip Up North, we had seen 6 Great Gray Owls, 3 Northern Hawk Owls, and 4 Snowy Owls.  But the fun didn’t stop there.  Well, I should say that for my family it did.  I was still thrilled with reports of local Snowy Owls and went on to check them out.  The appeal had worn off for my family. My coworker, Bonnie, in Grove City texted me on New Year’s Eve that the owl she had seen around her place was now on a pole on her road.  Not only did she get her lifer Snowy, but it was a yard bird for her as well! Birders could only dream of claiming such a bird on their yard lists.

I went to go check it out.  My family wasn’t interested.  It’s hard for me to resist a Snowy Owl that is only 15 minutes away, though.  Plus I wanted to get a picture for Bonnie and for eBird.  Apparently this particular Snowy flushes at approaching cars, and the mailman had scared it off just minutes before I got there. I was undeterred and scanned the nearby fields and poles carefully.  My search paid off. Do you see the suspicisous white lump in the field below that caused me to grab my binoculars?

Bonnie's Snowy Owl near Grove City, Minnesota

Can you find Bonnie’s Snowy Owl in this field near Grove City, Minnesota?

They blend in so incredibly well.  I’m sure I’ve driven by several already this winter and not known it. It was quite a thrill to “discover” this one nearly a quarter mile from the road on the ground.  Here is a closer view.

IMG_6086IMG_6080I waited for a long time, and eventually it flew back to its perch on the road.

Bonnie's Snowy on the perch where she could watch it from her living room

Bonnie’s Snowy on the perch where she could watch it from the comfort of her warm house.

I crept the car closer for a better photo which I have vowed to stop doing because this bird flew off. I tried to get some flight images of this fast moving, powerful raptor, but it was too much of a challenge. I enjoy the backdrop of this image, so I included it in the post.



Can you find Bonnie’s Snowy Owl?

I tried to keep tabs on this bird for awhile, but I think my presence aggravated it enough to disappear from sight.  So, it was time to go home.  Besides, I had already missed enough of the New Year’s Eve fun that Melissa had planned for the kids.  I was worried that I had ruined the opportunity for some other coworkers that Bonnie had called out to come see her owl.  However, I was relieved to find out a couple days later that this bird was seen by them later that day.

I went back to work on January 2nd.  It was immediately clear to me that I should have checked my work email more often over the break.  I came back to find nearly half a dozen emails from coworkers who had seen Snowy Owls in the Litchfield/Grove City area! Wow!  The owl prowl continued! Much of the information was now a few days old which is a long time in the birding world.  However, a brand new report came in Thursday night. This one was from Kodi, our elementary principal.  She emailed me cell-phone pictures of a Snowy Owl she had seen on her way home from work that evening!  This was fresh information, so I planned to get out there at daybreak to see if I could find it. Because sunrise is so late, I literally had two minutes to search before I had to be at work.  I checked all the pole tops and didn’t have any luck.  I drove by there after work as well but struck out again.

Kodi’s Snowy Owl was significant because it was sighted in Kandiyohi County, which has been left out of the Snowy Owl fun all winter.  A couple of my friends have been waiting to add this bird to their Kandiyohi County list for quite some time.  One, in fact, has been waiting over a decade.  Kodi’s bird actually was the second Snowy Owl seen in our county that day as Randy found the first one – a bird that I was literally one mile away from the other day.  So the Kandiyohi birders were excited to go find one of these two owls.

It wasn’t until two days later that Joel rediscovered Kodi’s owl and finally got his Kandiyohi Snowy after more than ten years.  I got the call in the grocery store in Willmar when I was with the whole family.  They gracefully obliged me to go search for this owl, even with a car full of groceries, even driving on icy roads.  Steve and I arrived out there about the same time.  We drove and drove the roads and scanned the fields.  We could not locate it.  From reports we heard, the owl must have been there the whole time because it was seen just before and just after our search.  Frustrating.

I had to try again in the morning.  Though it was brutally cold and all the area churches were closed for cold and treacherous roads, I was out there.  I was about the only person dumb enough to be out and about.  But my search paid off as I located the owl on top of an irrigator over a quarter mile from the nearest road.

Kodi's Snowy Owl near Atwater, Minnesota

Kodi’s Snowy Owl near Atwater, Minnesota


This is the best photo I could muster from a quarter mile away.

At least a half dozen birders besides myself got to see this owl. I am thankful for all the reports I’ve gotten from coworkers regarding Snowy Owls.  They have put Meeker and Kandiyohi Counties on the map in the birding world.  Without them these two counties would be very quiet during this Snowy Owl invasion that is playing out across the country.  Now the Atwater-Cosmos-Grove City area is one of the “hotbeds” of activity, sending all kinds of birders to our backroads to prowl for owls.  I personally have seen 4 of my 6 Snowy Owls, including my lifer, because the people I work with have let me know about their sightings. The best part, though, is watching their enthusiasm as they see one of these magnificent visitors for the first time.

Fun Feeder Birds, the Sax-Zim Bog, and Owling at 55 MPH

When there are all kinds of family members to visit Up North, it is very difficult to get away to do any serious birding. This is a tough truth to accept when there are so many incredible finds in the northwoods. One way to get in some good birding and visiting is to watch the feeder action at those relatives’ houses. One thing that was interesting this year was the concentration of American Goldfinches wherever we went. There was one bird that was considerably larger than the finches and required a bit of study. It turned out to be an immature White-crowned Sparrow. It doesn’t look like much, so big deal, right? Well, it is a big deal because these birds have migrated through Minnesota long ago. They aren’t suppposed to be in Minnesota right now, let alone the very northern part of it. It was a good find and one that I reported to

An Out-of-Season, Immature White-crowned Sparrow

An Out-of-Season, Immature White-crowned Sparrow

One day that we went to Melissa’s grandma’s house, I asked her grandma if she had any grosbeaks show up.  She told me that there were a half dozen or so Evening Grosbeaks, or the “yellow ones” as the locals say, that appeared just a few hours before we were there.  So I watched the feeders but never saw them.

I’ve been learning that the Evening Grosbeaks are somewhat of a prize even for us northern birders.  Apparently their numbers are way down. This was both sad and surprising to me as I remember both them and Pine Grosbeaks covering our feeders when I grew up.  They were practically pests.  Though I’ve seen this bird plenty in my life, I wanted to make sure I got a photo of one.  This trip Up North would be my last opportunity for the year, so I told Melissa’s grandma I was coming to see her the next morning.  I even brought Melissa along.  Grandma’s house was nice and cozy warm from her wood furnace on this sub-zero day, and there is always a hot pot of coffee and treats on the table.  That makes for some pretty good bird watching.

Black-capped Chickadee

The ever-present, friendly Black-capped Chickadee. I was 2 feet away from this bird for this picture.

Red-breasted Nuthatch - a year-round resident in northern Minnesota

Red-breasted Nuthatch – a year-round resident in northern Minnesota

As I watched the feeders I also kept an eye on the trees across the yard.  Eventually I saw a couple of bigger, yellowish birds moving around in the far-off tree.


It was a male Evening Grosbeak – the one I was after today.  He and a female companion eventually flew in to the feeders.

Evening Grosbeak male

Evening Grosbeak male


Evening Grosbeak femaleeeee

Evening Grosbeak female

It felt good to get a picture. The trip over to Grandma’s would have been worth it even if we struck out.  It’s always fun to see Grandma.  As we continued to munch on treats and sip coffee, more Evening Grosbeaks came in.  There ended up being 7 birds – 4 males and 3 females.

Evening Grosbeak males

Evening Grosbeak males

Eventually we left Melissa’s grandma and went back to our parents’ houses to see them again and get packed up for our trip home the next day.

That next day came, and it was cold!  But we had to get home.  We had already extended our trip one day because of the cold temps and a blizzard back home. It just so happens that the Sax-Zim Bog is on our way south.  We wouldn’t have time to explore the Bog since we were just passing through on County Road 7 that runs north-south.  Besides watching for birds, we kept watching the van thermometer drop. It bottomed up in the lowlands of the Bog at -33.



As we birded County Road 7 at 55 MPH I spotted a good bird – another Northern Hawk Owl.  It was only identifiable by sillhouette since it was so far from the road.

Northern Hawk Owl on County Road 7 in the Sax-Zim Bog

Northern Hawk Owl on County Road 7 in the Sax-Zim Bog

Sometimes it’s okay to not see the fine details of a bird.  Taking a step back and looking at the bigger scene playing out can be just as much fun.

Sunrise in the Sax-Zim Bog - Can you find the Northern Hawk Owl?

Sunrise in the Sax-Zim Bog – Can you find the Northern Hawk Owl?

As we motored along we flushed up a pair of reddish birds who were on the snowbank by the shoulder.  I recognized them as Pine Grosbeaks. Again, this was a bird I’ve seen plenty, but I have not yet photographed them.  It looks like I’m going to have to wait until next winter to get a good photo, but you can at least see what they look like here.

Pine Grosbeak male

Pine Grosbeak male

Sadly we exited the Bog and got back on the freeway.  Of course I had to make a quick detour in the town of Cloquet to look for a Snowy Owl that was reported on a Catholic church the night before.  No luck.

Another detour I had up my sleeve was to go by Grove City when we were very close to home.  A coworker had texted me the night before that a Snowy Owl showed up right near her house.  As we checked out the site and found nothing, I checked my messages.  This same coworker texted me that her husband had seen a Snowy about 7 miles away near Litchfield just a couple hours before! 7 miles is nothing, but we had just come to the end of a 265 mile trip.  Though the family was travel-weary, they obliged me by letting me go take a look.

We got out there, and the owl was still on top of a power pole! That made for a 12 owl trip! It was fun to hear Melissa and Evan say, “Yep, I see it!” after I initially spotted it. There is something exciting about owls to birders and non-birders alike.


Snowy Owl on Co. Rd. 11 near Litchfield, Minnesota

Sadly I tried to creep the car a little closer on the crunchy snow of the shoulder for a better picture of the owl, and it spooked. I never did refind it.  I was really mad at myself for being so foolish.  It’s not good to disturb these birds as they need to conserve their energy since they’ve just come from a very long journey from the Arctic.  Plus I may have disrupted it while it was hunting.  And, other birders now wouldn’t get to see it.  It was a bad choice on my part. I was happy to hear a few days later that one of my coworkers refound this same bird a mile to the north just an hour after we had seen it.

Seeing a Snowy Owl never gets old, and this was a fitting finish for an epic trip.  Though this trip was now over, the Snowy Owl fun has continued. Be sure to check it out in the next blog post.

Birding the Sax-Zim Bog with my Dad

Though it was a tremendous thrill to get our Northern Hawk Owl lifer on the epic Great Gray Owl outing, it kind of negated the need to go to the Sax-Zim Bog.  That is where we were supposeto see this bird.  But the Bog is the Bog, and its allure is just as strong even if you’ve seen all the birds in it.  And the truth is that we hadn’t.  We still needed a Boreal Chickadee, Northern Goshawk, Black-backed Woodpecker, and American Three-toed Woodpecker.  None of them felt as urgent as that Northern Hawk Owl, though.  Even with our owl sighting, we decided to continue on with our Bog plans.  Now, though, the priority shifted to finding the Boreal Chickadee, a reliable find in the past couple weeks at the feeders on Admiral Road. And since we’d seen all the “big-game” birds, Evan wasn’t interested in going along to the Bog.  Maybe that had more to do with the fact that he had cousins and a new iPad to play with.

So it was just my dad and me that ventured into the Sax-Zim Bog early one morning.  I should say that I dragged him along as he usually accompanies me on these northern birding trips.  Unfortunately we didn’t have a lot of time to go birding today because of family holiday plans, but we had enough time to get in some good birding.

Dad and I got down to the Bog before daylight and actually had to wait in the parking lot of the McDavitt Town Hall until it was light enough to see. It felt good to be in the right location knowing that we could start as soon as it was light. It was also nice to visit for a bit.  Dad told me all about a non-fiction book he’d been reading on the great Hinckley fire of 1894, a conversation that was triggered by the McDavitt Township sign indicating it was founded in that same year.  The details he told me were amazing and made me want to pick up this book myself – maybe when/if the birding ever slows down.

Finally it was daylight, and we crept south along Admiral Road, watching carefully for any Great Gray and Northern Hawk Owls. We got a few miles down the road when I spotted the first owl I had ever seen in the Sax-Zim Bog – a gorgeous Great Gray.

Great Gray Owl on Admiral Road in the Sax-Zim Bog

Great Gray Owl on Admiral Road in the Sax-Zim Bog

Here is a wide-angle shot of this bird.  My mom should appreciate that as she has always complained that movies rarely show wide-angle views.  I’ve started taking at least one picture like this when I find a good bird because I think seeing them in the overall context of their surroundings is just as much fun as a close-up.IMG_6007

This guy was about 20 feet up, and the only reason I was able to get a photograph of it was because he was against the light sky.  Down below in the “tunnel” through the trees, it was still quite dark, making photography pointless.  You can get a sense of that darkness in the photo above. We watched this owl for a bit and never got out of the car to photograph it.  As soon as we got a couple photos we got out of there for two reasons. One, it’s good to leave owls alone so they aren’t disturbed while they are hunting, which is critical in the winter when food is more scarce and they need to conserve energy.  Two, there were other birds we wanted to see in our limited two hours of Bog birding.

We didn’t have to travel long to our next stop which was the feeding station on Admiral Road which has been set up and maintained by birding guide, Mike Hendrickson.  This is arguably the best place in the country to find the elusive Boreal Chickadee. We’ve been by these feeders before, but we’ve only driven by them slowly.  This time I took my friend Steve’s advice to just sit and wait, even for a long time.  Eventually they will show. So we did that, and we were treated to 5 noisy Gray Jays and a few of the more common Black-capped Chickadees.  But then it happened. Not one, but two Boreal Chickadees showed up! This was a life bird for both my dad and me.  How I wish the light conditions were better as I always like to get a nice picture, especially of a life bird. Alas, this shot will have to do.

Boreal Chickadee

Boreal Chickadee

We were now down to about an hour left to explore the Bog.  We had barely covered much ground.  Now it was a matter of deciding what to go after.  Dad had never seen a Northern Hawk Owl, so I headed the direction of one that had been seen reliably recently. We got to the site on – get this – Owl Avenue, and we saw a promising scene. There were two parked cars with three men outside.  I pulled up and asked what they had seen.  They said they hadn’t seen anything but were just waiting in the location of where this owl had been reported. I was inclined to not believe them as birders can be very secretive and protective of their owls.  We scanned the trees all around them and couldn’t find anything, so we drove a bit further before turning around to go past them again.  This time, though, I saw a big bird at the top of a dead spruce directly across the road from these guys.  It was the Northern Hawk Owl!  Seeing it again was no less of a thrill than before, and it was cool that my dad got to add this owl to his life list.

Northern Hawk Owl

Northern Hawk Owl

Even though there was more daylight now, you can see how incredibly foggy it was, making photography impossible.


As I turned the van around to get in position to photograph this bird, I got stuck! It was a terrible feeling.  Not only was it embarassing, but the ruckus of trying to get a vehicle free could scare off this bird and ruin things for other birders. The three gentlemen came over right away and pushed.  We were out.  As I thanked the guys, the one told me the owl flew in just after we left them the first time. Oh, and that owl watched us the whole time, not bothered at all by what was happening below.

By now we’d used up our allotted time in the Bog, and we had to head back.  It was a very quick, productive trip with some big highlights.  Anytime you can see two northern owls, get a life bird (or two in my dad’s case), and share those experiences with your dad is a good day. I can’t wait for the next time we explore the Bog again together.

Great Gray Owl Wonderland

This winter has exploded with owl sightings.  Besides the invasion of the Snowy Owls, of which new sightings pop up every day, there have been numerous reports of Great Gray Owls and Northern Hawk Owls.  Like the Snowy, these two species are also winter owls. Occasionally they can be found in other seasons, but they are most common in winter when many migrate from the north.  One report of Great Grays was particularly fascinating: up to six owls had been seen on one road!  Many people followed up on this location and found at least one of these magnificent creatures themselves.

It just so happens that our holiday travel plans would take us right by this road near Aitkin, Minnesota. Though we had seen a Great Gray Owl last year, I was giddy to check it out.  Great Grays are one of those birds that you never get tired of seeing. Besides it was only about a 10-mile side-trip on our journey.  We could see a Great Gray real quick and not lose any time, or so I thought.

We found this county road with no problem and pulled onto it.  We could see that there was a fresh snowfall of a few inches that hadn’t yet been plowed.  Thankfully there were some tire tracks to drive in since we were in our van.  There was an instant peace being on this road – it was absolutely quiet. Not a house, not another car, nothing.  It was the perfect hangout for an elusive owl.  With the fresh, fluffy snow, it truly was a winter wonderland.  Melissa got caught up in the search, even putting down her knitting to look for birds.  I am so glad she did.  About 3 miles down the road, she found our first Great Gray of the excursion on her side of the car.

Great Gray Owl No. 1

Great Gray Owl No. 1

It was about a minute or so before Melissa found a second one just a little ways down the road!  This guy was a lot smaller and very actively moving around.  He was very close to the road, whereas the first one was about a hundred yards away.

Great Gray Owl No. 2

Great Gray Owl No. 2


Great Gray Owl No. 2 Hunting

We left this owl alone to continue his hunting in peace.  When we got near the postage-stamp sized Hebron Cemetery, I told Melissa that two Great Gray owls had been found on either side of the cemetery.  The cemetery was on Melissa’s side and tucked away a little bit in the woods, so she craned her neck to look back in the cemetery, and said, “Oh, Josh, look.”  At the top of a very tall pine in the middle of the cemetery was a Great Gray Owl looking for any rodent activity in the open area below.

Great Gray Owl No. 3 in Hebron Cemetery

Great Gray Owl No. 3 in Hebron Cemetery or “Cemetary”

Great Gray Owl No. 3

Great Gray Owl No. 3

While I stood on the road and photographed his owl, he flew in closer to pose! He ended up landing on the cemetery’s flagpole.


If there were auditions for a new national bird, I think Great Gray Owl No. 3 wins.


Great Gray Owl No. 3 Hunting


Great Gray Owl No. 3 Hunting


Great Gray Owl No. 3 posing for his profile shot

This owl was very active and paid no attention to me.  He flew from his flagpole perch even closer to me and landed right by the road.  To see a bird of that magnitude flying so close to you is a really cool experience.  We decided to leave this owl be and continue our hunt for more.  We didn’t have to wait long because once again Melissa found us a new one just beyond the cemetery.  It was hilariously perched at the top of a small pine.

Great Gray Owl No. 4

Great Gray Owl No. 4

It wasn’t long after this that we were out of the woods and entering a wide open area called the Willowsippi Wildlife Management Area.

Willowsippi Wildlife Management Area

Willowsippi Wildlife Management Area

There was a power line running along the road and we noticed a bird on the wire.  It looked too small to be an owl but it didn’t look crow-like either.  I pulled up the binoculars and saw that it was our Northern Hawk Owl lifer!! This was a major target for this winter and one I had hoped to see while visiting relatives up north.

Northern Hawk Owl Lifer!

Northern Hawk Owl Lifer!

Northern Hawk Owl ignoring us

Northern Hawk Owl ignoring us

Northern Hawk Owl fluffing up

Northern Hawk Owl fluffing up

Wow, if seeing all those Great Gray Owls wasn’t exciting enough, this sighting made for an epic birding day that will likely be unmatched.  Seeing any owl is always a thrill, but you can never repeat the first time you see a species like this. It is a heart-pounding, hand-shaking experience.

We continued on to a road to the south to follow up on another reported location of a Great Gray just a couple miles a way.  We didn’t have any luck, so we turned around and made our way back to the highway through the “owl zone.”  Going back we only saw two of the four we saw coming in.  One was even perched on the cemetery’s sign itself.  As we drove I was reading the odometer carefully to mark where we had seen each bird as others would likely be interested to know.  We had gone nearly a mile past the first owl location when Melissa found yet another Great Gray Owl!  Because of the great distance from the others, we were confident this was a new owl.  Besides, some birders had reported finding 5 or 6 on this road.

Great Gray Owl No. 5

Great Gray Owl No. 5


Great Gray Owl No. 5 giving us a parting look

Melissa was clearly the hero of the trip finding all five Great Gray Owls.  As fun as it was to see all these great birds, watching her get in to the “hunt” was just as much fun.  Our little side trip that was only supposed to add 15 minutes to our trip ended up taking over an hour.  The birding was just too good.  In addition to the owls, I also spotted a Northern Shrike and what very well could have been a second Northern Hawk Owl flying across the road behind our car.  Epic is almost too small of a word to describe this trip. It was a birder’s dream to see such cool owls in such abundance and in close proximity. For once we were in the right place at the right time.